Kona Diary – Day 4

Were are all the Dolphins? I seem to find myself constantly staring out to sea as I know they are out there and people keep seeing them and swimming with them but they seem to be hiding from me! Maybe they are threatened by my awesome swim speed! Anyway I had a lovely...

Kona Diary – Day 3

Another beautiful day here in Kona. Good night sleep followed by a bit of swimming / biking / running and even shopping! But not in that order. Heading out on the bike course with Charlie and Alain – 2 really motivated fast but chilled athletes. Think I best...

Kona Diary – Day 2

So after just over 50 hours of travelling I did arrive safe and sound and very happy to see fellow freespeed team mate Charlie waiting to collect me at Kona airport. Even better my bike turned up safe and sound as well, which I was really not expecting! To me Kona is...

Kona Day 1

5 years ago I came back to Kona after a 15 year gap and posted a daily diary (I think they call this a blog nowadays) but thought it would be fun to do the same this time around. I am planning to keep it short and promise to not include photos of food or sunsets! So...

Kona – Race Day

Now I would like to say that I enjoyed it – but to be honest I didn’t – that was just hard! But this was never really about the race as I always knew it was going to be hard, this is the hardest IM in the world and I think finishing it was one of the...