Kona – 1 Day to Race Day

It really is funny that when you embark on such a journey as doing an Ironman it alwasy seems a long way away – but then all of a sudden it arrives! I can not belive that I will be taking part in Hawaii IM in less than 12 hours. 15 years after the last time I...

Kona – 2 Days to Race Day

Oh my god the race is really getting close now – but just to keep the nerves in order and a check on reality it was the day of the Underpants Run!! Not really sure how this came into being but it has become quite massive now! I would like to say how embarrassing...

Kona – 3 days to Race Day

This day (Wednesday) really just seemed to disappear!! Not really sure how that happened but not to much to report really. We did are usual early morning swim on the course with Dorte and the boys – this involved stopping for Coffee at a boat that is moored...

Kona – 4 days to Race day

Think it really is time to start the count down to race day!! 5 days to go and the place is really getting packed. There is an intensity that is kind of scary but at the same time exciting. I have a bit of easy training today but some other key things going on....

Kona – Day 17

Quite day really – time to recover from the late night yesterday, must have been all of 9pm when we got to bed!! Sad but true. Oscar fell asleep during the main course of the dinner and Oliver just before the desert – he did wake up momentarily before...