by Richard Hobson | J Oct, 2010 | News
Sorry I have been very quite the last few days but things have just got a bit manic since the Family Hobson arrived! Anyway I do have a bit ore time of the next 24 hours so plan to catch up! Day 16 started with everyone including Oliver and Oscar heading down for and...
by Richard Hobson | J Oct, 2010 | News
Oliver, Oscar, and Dorte arrive – very tired but very excited. Very busy day all round today so will do a big report later.
by Richard Hobson | J Oct, 2010 | News
Great day today as a lot of friends have now turned up and I bumped into them all down at the swim this morning – guess this really is one of the things that makes this race so special – it is a chance to catch up, to see people you have not seen for...
by Richard Hobson | J Oct, 2010 | News
Another day down, which does mean 1 day closer to race day! Good runĀ this morning with Julie. If I could run that we in the race I may think of turning Pro again! Actually if I could just run as fast as we were on the recovery sections during the race I would be more...
by Richard Hobson | J Sep, 2010 | News
This is the back windscreen of the German team car – we just find is quite amusingĀ – can not really put my finger on why! “well I can but I would hate to be sued” Anyway enough of that – another days training done and one day closer to...